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Ghostcircle EVPs

These Videos show Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVPs) captured with the microphones used in recording our Ghostcircle videos using ordinary off the shelf production video cameras during our investigations and experiments. Nothing has been added during editing except sound boosting for EVP's where low volume was experienced.

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Physical Mediumship

Physical mediumship involves a form of phenomena whereby external spirit entities manipulate the energies and substances of a medium, whether it is man or woman, to form physical manifestations such as spirit bodies where a spirit can manifest directly from their world to ours under certain conditions.

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Ghostcircle Team – Multi Award Winner

Ghosts Moving Flowers – Film Festival Review

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“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

-- Albert Einstein. --

"under certain known and reasonable conditions of temperature, light... entities, existing In a sphere outside our own, have been demonstrated again and again to manifest themselves on earth in temporary bodies materialised from an, at present, undiscovered source"

-- Gambier Bolton. --

Ghostcircle Blog

We are now repeating the Ghostcircle Series on Sky TV Showcase 191

Due to popular demand the TV station are repeating the series of Ghostcircle for 8 weeks over December 2020 and January 2021 Watch the series again on SKY Showcase channel ..Read More »

Spike Island on Sky TV Showcase 192

Spike Island was Ireland's largest prison and bigger than Alcatraz in the USA. It was also called "Ireland's Hell" where prisoners were treated brutally in punishment blocks or held chained ..Read More »

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News Stories

Your life really does flash before your eyes before you die, study suggests

January 31, 2017 by Wobbly Jelly

Your life really does flash before your eyes when you die, a study suggests - with the parts of the brain that store memories last ..Read More »

Ghost Pictures: Ghost of Loftus Hall – Ireland

February 29, 2016 by Wobbly Jelly

A tourist who visited a notorious haunted mansion in Ireland believes he photographed the ghost of a little girl. Thomas Beavis, 21, from Lewisham, made ..Read More »

Do ghosts exist? Our fascination with apparitions

October 17, 2014 by Wobbly Jelly

Summarised and source copyright from "The Guardian" Media Stories Ghosts sightings have been making headlines recently. The Daily Star has dedicated several front pages to ..Read More »

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