The Phenomenon of Photoplasm
It is my personal opinion that in the science of the future reality will neither
be "psychic" nor "physical" but somehow both and somehow neither.
- Wolfgang Pauli, Professor of Theoretical Physics & Nobel Prize Winner -
An explanation of the photoplasm energy used in a physical circle with Patrick McNamara,
and a video clip of the phenomenon it can create.
In the early 1990’s Patrick McNamara started a physical materialisation circle in north London. The physical circle was held in darkness as is the case with most physical circles today, and he produced physical materialisation phenomena. The spirit guides working with Ghostcircle, Patrick McNamara’s physical circle, started to experiment with Patrick over many years and with other physical mediums in developing a new materialisation energy. The spiritual guides stated aim was to develop and produce a new light sensitive energy which was termed “photoplasm” that could be used during physical mediumship circles to produce materialisation phenomena. It has taken many years and many physical circles to develop the photoplasmic energy and it is still being developed. Many physical circles today are now using this new energy while working with the spiritual guides.Ectoplasm
Within a physical circle there is substance produced called “ectoplasm”[3], and it is used to create materialisation phenomena within physical circles. Ectoplasm is normally present in circles where there is total darkness (it has appear in bright sunlight but it is rare). Because ectoplasm is very sensitive to light any light present in a room would destroy the structure and could potentially harm the medium whose physical body is used to produce it. The great paranormal researcher and Nobel Laureate, Charles Richet a Professor of Physiology at the Sorbonne, coined the term ectoplasm. He confirmed through experimentation with physical mediums such as Eusapia Palladino and Eva. C. Kluski the very existence of ectoplasm. As said already, light or specifically white light was said to damage the delicate substance, and could potentially harm the mediums who were producing it. So, although it was occasionally photographed by photographic flash, investigators wanting proof were usually disappointed. Ectoplasm was also difficult to film except when a low level red light was allowed to be used. Although you can use Infra red light in dark rooms, such as infra red cameras, the infra red light used has been acknowledged to destroy ectoplasm. Thus any materialised forms or objects that are created from ectoplasm could not be easily recorded in visual form within the physical circle, and with so few physical mediums available to produce this phenomenon, combined with those who are actually willing to submit to some photography, it is almost impossible to get any decent pictures of materialisation's.A photograph showing ectoplasm exiting a physical medium. (Dr. S. Notzing Experiments)