About Us

Ghostcircle Information

Welcome to a web site devoted to studying and producing physical mediumship phenomena from a scientific point of view. I am not a scientist but I am just trying to put forward an objective approach on a subject that so little is known about, but in my opinion is such an important science as well as being a wonderful gift. I am lucky because I am able to see spirits, hear spirits, and sense them too. I have had this ability from an early age so to me it is natural; to everyone else it is un-natural. We film this energy being produced by a spirit with normal people who can see and touch it in exciting haunted locations in Europe, the UK, and Ireland. The aim is simple;

To prove that we do not die, and that the consciousness lives on after physical death in another form of existence.

All evidence presented here is done with a view to help promote the reality that we all survive death, without any exception, and live on in another dimensional world of spirit and mental thought. This dimension can be similar to our current surroundings believe it or not, while it is also very different to the dimension we live in here, which we call earth. I am just showing you some cracks in the door that science will burst open one day.about-phone-2
How is this being done?
We are putting forward empirical evidence. Evidence based on science using observation, experiment, and experience. We can REPEAT all our phenomenon captured. I emphasise the word repeat as this makes it not paranormal, but normal natural phenomenon.
Is it Physical mediumship?
I am experimenting with modern physical mediumship in light, there is no darkness when I do my circles. People can see, sense, feel, and touch physical phenomena in a red and blue lighted room. White light destroys the energy. I do not sit in a cabinet but use one to store energy.
What results have found?
We have found that next existence of life after this life is based on a spirit body living in another dimension of space. Our personality survives death as does our consciousness and mind, but our physical shell is left behind.
Are you a scientist?
I am not a qualified scientist but I do follow scientific empirical procedures, the same procedures that a recognised qualified scientists does. I am observing, experimenting and have plenty of experience in this field. From this point of view I am just trying to put forward an objective approach to a subject that so little is known about. Indeed, in my opinion it is such an important science as many of the other sciences out there. Mediumship is a wonderful gift to have, and to be able to express it through this website is an honour for me. I am very lucky because I am able to see spirits, hear spirits, and sense them too.
What are your techniques?
The techniques we use are simple, using regular off the shelf technology to capture spirit presences on video film. No tricks, or mirrors, are used. The people in the videos are ordinary members of the public chosen by others to be filmed during a physical circle. The DVD's are done to make them entertaining and show what can be done with mediumship and physical mediumship. My point is not commercial as I am not making money out of this, and in fact it is costing me money and time to do this, the whole idea is to leave a record for history.
Are you religious?
There are no religious views promoted here as it always seems to complicate things and to be honest it makes no difference to what I am trying show here. So forget about what you have learnt from religious teachings and what may or may not have been said. Who really knows how accurate the religious books are. The afterlife has nothing to do with Religion anyway. Religion was created by man, not God. If God had wanted a single Religion, then there would only be one religion? Make up your own mind and if you think there is something in this then go and search for your own proofs too.
Where's the evidence ?
You will find lots of evidence from our videos of ordinary people who experienced this. If you do more research you will find that there are also scientists, philosopher’s, spirit teachers, and even "dead people" who spoke through Leslie Flints direct voice mediumship on the links page. The voices on the direct voice pages are real spirits speaking from mid-air. Leslie Flint was one of the most tested mediums ever. There are great books from spirit guides like White Eagle, Silver Birch, and Red Cloud; Spirits who spoke in trance from the spirit realms who can provide amazing evidence. Nobel prize winning scientists investigated it and found evidence that proves the reality of an afterlife. Some of these are, Sir Oliver Lodge (Radio and Spark Plug Inventor), Sir William Crookes (Cathode Ray Tube and X-Rays), Sir William Barrett, Dr Charles Richet, Dr Frederic Myers, John Logie Baird (TV Inventor). Just go look for the evidence, it really is out there. Modern day Nobel prize winner from Cambridge, Professor Brian D. Josephson believes it.
Is there a science behind this ?
Yes. There is a physical scientific law that states we change from one form of energy to another, "The Law of Conservation of Energy". This law states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed into another state. We at Ghostcircle follow this Law. This shows that the energy within our physical body, the soul or spirit energy, MUST survive death as it is transformed into another form of energy. It must go somewhere. The area of study should be called "etheric science" as the soul energy lives in the ether. The ether surrounds us and it's where the finer particles of energy that surround us.
Why are you bothering when there are so many sceptics ?
The sceptics are in the very small minority. All evidence presented here is done with a view to help promote the reality that we all survive death, without any exception. Even sceptics might like to know this. We continue to live on in another dimensional world of spirit communicating through mental thought. This dimension can be similar to our current surroundings believe it or not, while at the same time it is also very different to the dimension we live in here, which we call earth. I am just showing you some cracks in the door that science will burst open one day.

"You have nothing to fear in death"

It is as simple as that. Our loved ones do not die they are all living on in a new life with a new body called a spirit body. The spirit body survives death. Without question it does. We are the same person one minute after death as we were one minute before death. The main difference is we have a “spirit body”, instead of a physical body. Copyright www.ghostcircle.com  ©  2021