Greenways Farm – S1E1 – Trailer

Greenways Farm – S1E1 – Trailer

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Greenways Farm, a Medieval manor farm which dates back to the 1450's and is possibly one of Kent’s most actively “Haunted Houses.” Patrick McNamara investigates the amazing goings on and contacts some spirit entities residing from Medieval, Tudor, and Stuart times. There is footage of phenomena captured on camera and some amazing secrets are unearthed from the farms history, including unknown wartime military operations that were subsequently confirmed by a neighbour, and a destroyed windmill from over a century ago that was discovered in the fields behind the farm. Hear about the pitiful servant girl who slept literally on a shelf and died of tuberculosis who for some reason lingers and even speaks up when spoken about. There is a priest who practiced black magic to control his relatives resulting in lots of noises, loud booms, and negative energies in the attic. Listen to the two former merchant brothers who knock in response to the conversation during the filming. Every area of the farm seems to reveal a story to medium Patrick McNamara.

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