Foulksrath Castle – S1E5 – Trailer

Foulksrath Castle – S1E5 – Trailer

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Foulksrath Castle is located in the County of Kilkenny, Ireland. Built over 600 years ago, it has been involved in many different incidents throughout Irish history from rebellion, famine, and feudal clan ownership. The stories of those who lived there are brought forward as medium Patrick McNamara communicates with the resident ghosts in the castle through his mediumship. Ghostcircle held a physical mediumship circle with the owner Jack and some friends he invited from the local area, none of which had ever sat in a circle like this before. On this video are post reactions by people who never sat in a physical circle before, but who saw bright blue lights, clouds of photoplasm, felt a ghostly presence, flowers MOVED in their hands, saw their fingers disappear, faces change on other people (quite scary ones), feeling materialised spirit presences that were warm to the touch. The resident owner of Foulksrath, Jack Macken, describes the paranormal encounters he has had in the castle whilst living there. The castle was used as an Irish youth hostel, and many people have stayed there over the years. In this DVD we captured the current history of the castle before it was sold off and finally closed as a hostel for the last time.

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